There are a lot methods to read data from excel sheet from c#. Here am mentioning some of the methods i have used. I have got a scenario where i want to read data from a excel sheet which consists of more than 2 lakhs records more than 20 columns. I have tried a lot but all of them are taking more time in reading(around 8 mins). So i have found a solution using interop which i can read large data in less than a minute.
Using Excel Interop
The below method effectively reads the excel data in a faster way if you want to read large data from the excel.
Add namespace "using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;"
Excel.Application objApplication = new Excel.Application();
Excel.Workbook objWorkbook = objApplication.Workbooks.Open(filePath);
Excel.Worksheet objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets[sheetName];
DataTable oDatatable = new DataTable();
object[,] sheetEntries;
sheetEntries = objWorksheet.get_Range(startRange + ":" + endRange, Type.Missing).Value2;
oDatatable = ConvertArrayToDataTable(sheetEntries);
return oDatatable;
catch (Exception ex)
objWorkbook.Close(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAction.xlSaveChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
objWorkbook = null;
objApplication = null;
Excel.Workbook objWorkbook = objApplication.Workbooks.Open(filePath);
Excel.Worksheet objWorksheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets[sheetName];
DataTable oDatatable = new DataTable();
object[,] sheetEntries;
sheetEntries = objWorksheet.get_Range(startRange + ":" + endRange, Type.Missing).Value2;
oDatatable = ConvertArrayToDataTable(sheetEntries);
return oDatatable;
catch (Exception ex)
objWorkbook.Close(Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSaveAction.xlSaveChanges, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
objWorkbook = null;
objApplication = null;
Pass the sheet name, start and end range of the excel sheet data. Here ConvertArrayToDatTable is a method which converts array into a datatble. you can find many ways to do that.
Using Oledb Connection
using (OleDbConnection oConnection = new OleDbConnection()) { oConnection.ConnectionString = connectionString; using (OleDbCommand comm = new OleDbCommand()) { comm.CommandText = "Select * from [" + sheetName + "$" + startRange + ":" + endRange + "]"; comm.Connection = oConnection; using (OleDbDataAdapter oOleDbDataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter()) { oOleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = comm; oOleDbDataAdapter.Fill(oDataTable); return oDataTable; } } }
Pass the sheet name, start range and end range of the excel sheet cell range from where you want to read.
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